Tell me and I forget.
Involve me and I'm inspired to act.

Picture two friends who love fun, animals and nature. It’s easy for them to search bars, sport events and restaurants – but what about a different kind of fun, a nature- helping activity that leaves you with the happiest of glows? Where do you look for that?


We’re bringing all the world’s good times that support nature, animals and the environment into one online destination – so that more people can find nature-friendly fun fast, fall in love with it and do it more and more. 

Lots to do.

From beach to forest, water to land, there's an Envirotivity for every age, passion and ability.

All in one place.

No more spending half the day searching for fun, we bring it all to you!

Fun for everyone.

We're for everybody, from tots to grandparents, families to fun-seeking friends.

Doing Good. 

Get hooked on the happy vibes & afterglow of doing good while you are having fun. 

Our team

We are a powerhouse team of environmental enthusiasts united by a common passion. Our platform is a digital bonfire, where individuals and organizations gather to turn sparks of intent into flames of real change for our precious planet.

Ayelet Mendel Girin

Founder & CEO

Since her debut at Greenpeace at just 14, Ayelet’s been an unwavering champion for the environment.

With a trail of leadership Digital and CX roles at Deloitte, Microsoft and humm, she’s been orchestrating digital transformations while sprinkling a touch of her magic to make a positive impact on our planet.

Carlos Gomez

Founder & CIO

The man who’s engineering a better world, one click at a time.

Carlos is no stranger to taking big dreams and turning them into reality, having built two successful businesses from scratch in Colombia. He is the driving force that bridges technology and real-world change.

Carlos Gomez

Founder & CIO

Throughout her career as a Chief Creative Officer, Anna has collected over 40 awards for her groundbreaking work in marketing and digital experiences. Beyond her business endeavors, she passionately champions environmental causes, using her creative prowess to make a real difference.
Anna Karena
Creative Director
Kristy is creative wizard ! With a passion for "people-driven design," she creates designs that are sustainable and community-friendly. Volunteering is her heartbeat whether she's wearing the hat of the Digital Director for UNSW Digital Society or diving into conservation efforts in Kalimantan.
Kristy Che
Nurul is data manager expert from Indonesia. He takes charge of managing and overseeing our data operations and insuring it's flawlessly organized. Thanks to his magic, our website shines with a diverse array of high-quality events, making sure only the best experiences get the spotlight!
Nurul Hasan
Data Manager

Got an activity? Register it free.

Bring us your event or activity and we will bring you the people!

Our visitors are all looking for your kind of enviro-friendly fun, and it’s free to register!

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